What to Expect After Varicose Vein Treatment

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Treating your varicose veins has the potential to be life-changing. Eliminating painful venous symptoms offers substantial improvements to your comfort, confidence, and enjoyment of daily activities.

After varicose veins treatment, you might experience some discomfort and bruising, but these effects are temporary and manageable.

If you are wondering about what  recovery is like after treatment, we’ll walk you through what to expect in the days and weeks following your varicose vein treatment. In this blog post, we will discuss what to expect after varicose vein treatment, including:

What Can I Expect After a Varicose Vein Treatment?

When you receive minimally invasive varicose vein treatment at any of our nationwide USA Vein Clinics locations, you can expect to go home immediately afterward to begin your recovery. Most of our patients are able to resume their daily activities and return to work within a day of the procedure. You can expect a full recovery within two weeks of treatment.

Be aware that you may be asked to limit certain activities for a week or two, such as taking baths and performing strenuous activities. After varicose vein treatment at one of our clinics, your doctor will provide detailed written instructions to follow during your recovery period.

Day of Vein Treatment

After varicose vein treatment:

  • Most patients feel little to no pain. If you do experience discomfort, your doctor may suggest over-the-counter pain medication.
  • Common side effects include mild bruising, swelling, and tenderness. Contact your vein specialist if you are concerned.
  • Take things easy for the first 48 hours and avoid strenuous exercise for 1-2 weeks, depending on the procedure.
  • Shower after 24 hours, but avoid baths and pools for 1 week to prevent infection.

Most patients feel little to no pain. If you do experience discomfort, your doctor may suggest taking over-the-counter pain medications to help you feel more comfortable.

Common side effects of varicose vein treatment include mild bruising, swelling, and tenderness. If you are concerned about your healing at any point, contact your vein specialist.

Take things easy for the first 48 hours following your treatment. Depending on the procedure, your doctor may ask you to hold off on strenuous exercise for one to two weeks.

You can shower after the first 24 hours, but avoid baths and pools of water for at least one week to help guard against infection.

One Week After Vein Treatment

You should be able to resume a gentle exercise routine seven to ten days after your treatment. This can include activities like walking, cycling, or yoga. It’s a good idea to stay away from lifting anything above 20 pounds to avoid undue strain on your healing veins.

The more you move around and use your legs, the better they should feel, and the faster you will heal. Walking is a great way to build up your strength without causing harm to the treated area. Walking also promotes better blood flow, which can aid in your recovery. Running is not recommended during this period — your body needs more time to heal.

At this point, you may experience minor pain or discomfort. Most can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. If you are concerned, contact your doctor.

Compression socks can help relieve any post-treatment side effects and assist in healing. Be sure to wear them exactly as prescribed.

One Month After Vein Treatment

Your doctor may have scheduled a one-month follow-up to make sure your recovery is on track. Keep in mind that vein treatment is a gradual process. Some vein issues require more than one treatment, so be prepared for this potential outcome.

During your one-month follow-up appointment, your vein specialist will determine whether the treated veins have closed as desired. They will also check if any other veins are showing new abnormalities that require treatment.

One month after varicose vein treatment, you can still expect to see some swelling and feel tightness in the treated area.

During your one-month appointment, you may want to talk to your doctor about increasing the length or intensity of your workouts. They can make personalized recommendations for safe activity levels.

Six Months After Vein Treatment

Varicose veins

At this point, most of your post-treatment symptoms should be gone. The six-month mark is about when you will start seeing the life-changing results of your vein treatment.

Some of the many positive effects of leg vein treatment include:

  • Less leg pain and swelling, if any
  • Fewer leg cramps, if any
  • Improved appearance of visible veins
  • Resolution of skin-related issues like itching and venous ulcers
  • Legs that feel lighter

A better understanding of your vein treatment will help your procedure and recovery go smoothly. Thanks to the minimally invasive techniques used at USA Vein Clinics, vein treatment is a much easier and less painful experience than it was ten years ago. As you continue with your vein treatment journey, remember that USA Vein Clinics is here to help answer any questions you have along the way.

One Year After Varicose Vein Treatment

By now, you should have fully recovered from your treatment for varicose veins.  Periodic monitoring by a vein specialist is helpful as your doctor monitor early signs of venous issues and provide prompt treatment should they arise.

To further support your vein health and prevent additional varicose veins, follow these tips:

  • Maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI)
  • Exercise at least five days a week, 30 minutes a day
  • Avoid long periods of standing or sitting
  • If you smoke, consider quitting
  • Eat a healthy diet

Our vein specialists are always available to meet with you and provide professional advice for improving your vein health. After varicose vein treatment, many patients benefit from receiving personalized lifestyle recommendations. We believe that making healthy changes now can go a long way toward preventing venous issues in the future.

Patient Testimonials: What Real People Have to Say About Our Vein Treatment

At USA Vein Clinics, we are committed to providing our patients with the best possible care. We are proud to have helped thousands of people find relief from varicose vein pain and discomfort.

Here are what some of our patients have to say about their experience with vein treatment at USA Vein Clinics:

“Being on the retail floor and working while I’m pregnant meant a lot of long hours on my feet…The problems existed and you could kind of feel like the blood trickling down the back of your leg, not a good feeling…The symptoms continued to increase and I would feel heat in my right leg often…I heard about USA Vein Clinics when I had a procedure done on my foot and he recommended [the clinic]…The doctor let me know he was done with procedure and I literally thought we had just finished the anesthesia; that’s how good it was.”

Explore these testimonials of real patients who have received varicose vein treatment at USA Vein Clinics.

Tips for Managing Your Vein Health After Treatment



Here are a few tips and lifestyle adjustments that can help you manage your vein health after treatment.

Use compression stockings as prescribed. Compression stockings are designed to improve blood circulation in the legs and help blood flow toward your heart.  You can learn more about compression stockings here.

Eat healthy. Foods that are low in salt and calories and high in fiber can help you prevent high blood pressure. Fruits like apples, cherries, and figs contain the bioflavonoid rutin, which can help strengthens the walls of the veins. Vitamin C and vitamin E prevent cell damage, which in turn prevents varicose veins from forming. . Learn more about good foods for vein health here.

Exercise regularly.  Walking improves blood circulation and helps with pain relief. Yoga is also a great exercise after varicose vein treatment; slow, controlled movements help improve circulation and reduce pain. Avoid strenuous exercises and heavy lifting (over 20 pounds).

Avoid air travel. Sitting on a plane for long hours can cause blood to pool in the leg veins.

Avoid sedentary activities. Sitting or standing for a long time can cause pressure in your leg veins. If you have a sedentary job, move around periodically for a couple of minutes.

Get regular screening tests for varicose veins. Get regular screenings for varicose veins (at least yearly) or as prescribed by your doctor to check for varicose vein recurrence.


Schedule a Consultation with Our Varicose Vein Experts

At USA Vein Clinics, our compassionate vein specialists don’t want anyone to suffer from painful varicose veins symptoms. We provide a range of minimally invasive, office-based varicose vein treatments that allow you to return to most normal activities immediately following treatment. Many of our patients are surprised to learn that a vein treatment takes only about an hour from start to finish.

Our non-surgical treatments for varicose veins can quickly alleviate painful symptoms, reduce your risk of developing serious venous conditions like DVT, and improve your quality of life. We perform varicose vein treatment at over 168 state-of-the-art clinics in 30 states across the country.

Varicose vein treatment is usually covered by major health insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid. To discuss your coverage details, give us a call at 888.768.3467. Our financial specialists will work directly with your insurance provider to maximize your coverage.

When you’re ready to learn more about what to expect after varicose vein treatment, schedule a consultation online.


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